ICAIL 2017 Workshop, June 16, 2017, King's College London https://icail2017evidencedecision.wordpress.com/
The workshop "Evidence & Decision Making in the Law: Theoretical, Computational and Empirical Approaches" is held in conjunction with 2017 ICAIL and aims to foster an interdisciplinary debate on the interactions between evidential reasoning establishing the facts and deliberative decision making determining legal action. In the process, different values must be balanced, in particular accuracy, fairness and efficiency.
The ICAIL 2017 Workshop on AI in Legal Practice aims to bridge the gap between legal professionals and AI & Law researchers. The event will introduce legal professionals to the potential applications of AI & Law, discuss the practical challenges legal professionals face and explore how AI & Law research might tackle some of these challenges. This whole day workshop will consist of two parts. The morning session consists of a gentle introduction to well-established AI techniques and tools, followed by a hands-on demonstration of how these can be used in law firms. In the afternoon session, more cutting edge research on AI & Law is introduced and matched to prospective applications in legal practice.
The Second Workshop on Automated Detection, Extraction and Analysis of Semantic Information in Legal Texts (ASAIL) will be held in conjunction with ICAIL 2017: XVI International Conference on AI and Law, Friday June 16th 2017, London, UK. It is a continuation of the successful 2015 ASAIL workshop.
Important Dates
Submissions due: Friday, April 21, 2017 ***Extended Deadline: April 28, 2017 ***
Authors are strongly encouraged to submit an early abstract of their submission by April 14 on Easychair.
Accept/Reject notification: May 12, 2015
The 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law
King's College London, June 12 to June 16, 2017
The conference will feature a main track for technical papers, a demonstration track, workshops, tutorials, a doctoral consortium and best paper prizes.
Papers submission deadline: January 13, 2017