Call for Papers

JURISIN 2018 - 12th International Workshop on Juris-informatics

associated with JSAI International Symposia on AI 2018 (isAI 2018) venue: Raiosha, Hiyoshi Campus in Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
12 and 13 November 2018

home page:

MIREL workshop - Call for Papers

MIning and REasoning with Legal texts
In conjunction with LuxLogAI
17 Sep 2018 - Luxembourg

Submission deadline: July 2, 2018

Jurix 2018 - Call for Papers

31st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2018)
Groningen (The Netherlands), 12-14 December 2018

JURIX 2017 - First Call for Papers

30th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems

Venue: Luxembourg
Conference website:

Important dates
Paper submission: 17 September 2017
Demo & poster submission: 17 September 2017
Workshop & tutorial proposal submission: 17 September 2017
Notification of acceptance: 11 October 2017
Camera ready deadline: 20 October 2017
Workshops & tutorials: 13 December 2017
Main conference: 14 and 15 December 2017

JURISIN 2017 - Eleventh International Workshop on Juris-informatics

Juris-informatics is a new research area which studies legal issues from the perspective of informatics. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss both the fundamental and practical issues among people from the various backgrounds such as law, social science, information and intelligent technology, logic and philosophy, including the conventional "AI and law" area. We solicit unpublished papers on theories, technologies and applications on juris-informatics.

Important Dates

Workshop: November 14 - 15, 2017

Submission Deadline: August 28, 2017 (***EXTENDED DEADLINE*** September 6, 2017)
Notification: October 1, 2017 (***EXTENDED DEADLINE*** October 6, 2017)
Camera-ready due: October 13, 2017

AI-2017 Workshop on AI Applications in Law

The Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Law is intended to demonstrate a variety of AI techniques applied within the legal domain. Contributions are invited describing any application in any domain of law (including compliance with regulations; policing; legal aspects of public or corporate policy; and evidence management) that uses AI techniques. The application should either be deployed already or expecting to be deployed in the near future.
Submitted extended abstracts (2 pages) will be reviewed. The authors of the best abstracts will be invited to submit full workshop papers, which will be further reviewed.


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