Call for Papers

ICAIL 2023 - 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law - Call for Papers, Demonstrations, Workshops and Tutorials

June 19-23, 2023

Hosted by:
Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Law School with JUSGOV – Research Center for Justice and Governance, Centro Algoritmi and LASI – Laboratório Associado de Sistemas Inteligentes
Conference Website:

Jurix 2022 - Call for Workshop and Tutorials of the 35th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems

Besides the standard conference track and the Doctoral Consortium, JURIX 2022 will host a number of workshops and tutorials related to the theme of the conference.

Workshops provide an informal setting where participants have the opportunity to discuss specific topics in an atmosphere that fosters the active exchange of ideas.
Tutorials enable attendees to familiarise themselves with advances in AI and Law related subjects, both theoretical and technological.

The workshops session is scheduled on December 14th, 2022.

JURIX 2022 welcomes workshops and tutorials that address topics that satisfy the following criteria:

- the topic falls in the general scope of JURIX 2022
- there is a clear focus on a specific topic, technology, problem or application and there is a sufficiently large community interested in the topic.

Note that in the case of multiple workshop/tutorial submissions on the same topic, you may be asked to merge your proposal with that of others.

JURIX 2022 -- Call for Papers of the 35th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems

For more than 30 years, the JURIX conference has provided an international forum for research on the intersection of Law, Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems, under the auspices of The JURIX Foundation for Legal Knowledge Systems.
This year we invite submission of original papers on the advanced management of legal information and knowledge systems, covering foundations, methods, tools, systems and applications.

Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Law (SAIL 2022)

June 6–9, 2022 | Virtual event


The 2nd edition of the Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Law (SAIL 2022) aims to bring together experts from Industry and Academia to discuss the future of AI and Law. The Symposium aims to provide a venue for AI-Law researchers and Law practitioners to present and discuss research results, use cases, innovative ideas, challenges, and opportunities that arise from applications of AI in the Legal Domain.

Call for Papers: Fifteenth International Workshop on Juris-informatics (JURISIN 2021)

November 13 - 15, 2021

Raiosha Building, Keio University Kanagawa, Japan (or online)

with a support of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence in
association with JSAI International Symposia on AI 2021 (JSAI-isAI-2021)

**** Submission Deadline: August 31, 2021 ****

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International Association for AI and Law

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